The Transactions Report lists individual sales and returns tendered in Lightspeed apps, supported online orders marked paid in the eCommerce Dashboard, saved sales currently open on the register, and invoices that are open, past due, and paid*. Use this report to view details of specific transactions, download receipts, and export completed sales and returns to a spreadsheet. Learn how to run, read, sort, and filter the report to find any transaction in BackOffice.
IMPORTANT: Sales tax figures in reporting are estimates based on how you have configured your tax rates and tax groups in BackOffice. For official filings, always verify your current local rates, then manually calculate tax using net taxable and non-taxable revenues. Be aware that tax laws can change at any time and you should contact a tax professional for specific tax advice regarding your business.
To learn how tax is calculated in Lightspeed Retail, visit the Sales by Tax Rate Report article.
Table of Contents
Understanding Transactions
The Transactions Report enables you to view all sales and returns with details such as the items, discounts, customer, employee, and total associated with each. From this report, you can also download receipts to print or send to customers and export completed transactions for analysis in spreadsheet software.
From BackOffice, run the Transactions Report to view individual sales and returns closed in Lightspeed apps, supported online orders marked paid in the eCommerce Dashboard, saved sales still currently open on the register, and open, past due, and paid* invoices.
In BackOffice, click 'Reports', then select 'Transactions'.
Click to Enlarge
Toggle between ‘Closed Sales’ and ‘Saved Sales’ to choose which type of transactions to view.
Closed Sales | Displays sales and returns tendered in Lightspeed apps, supported online orders marked ‘Paid’ in the eCommerce Dashboard, and invoices that have been marked paid*. *For paid invoices to appear in reporting, you must manually enable sales reporting for invoices.
Saved Sales | Displays saved sales currently open on registers with Saved Sales Sync enabled and last saved during the selected date range, and invoices in ‘Open’ or ‘Past Due’ status last finished or edited during the range. This option can only be selected when the report is set to a date range that includes the current day, such as ‘Today’, ‘Week-to-date’, or a custom range ending today. Historical data is not available.
Transactions appear either according to the business hours set in BackOffice or the default 12AM to 11:59PM range and are sorted from newest to oldest. To learn how to change the selected date range, visit the Sort and Filter Options section below.
Time | For closed sales, returns, and invoices, the date and time the transaction was tendered or marked paid. For saved sales, the date and time the sale was last saved. For open invoices, the date and time the invoice was last finished or edited.
Register | For closed sales and returns, the number of the register where the transaction was tendered or its name as entered in the Register Licenses section of BackOffice at the time of the transaction. For saved sales, this is the number of the register where the sale was last saved. This column is left blank for transactions performed outside of the Retail POS (S-Series) app.
Cashier | Name of the employee who tendered a closed sale or return or originally created a saved sale as it is currently entered in BackOffice. For open invoices, this is the name of the employee who last finished or edited the invoice. For paid invoices, this is the name of the employee who originally finished the invoice. For sales performed in Lightspeed Pocket, the Business Owner’s name is listed. This column is left blank for supported online orders marked paid in the eCommerce Dashboard.
*Visit the Sales by Employee report to view your top employees by number of sales and sales amount.
Operation Type | Type of transaction run (sale or return).
Amount | Total dollar amount of the items in the transaction.
Discount | Total discount amount applied to the transaction.
*Visit the Sales by Discount report to view your top discounts by number of times used and amount discounted.
Tax | Total tax amount.
Total | Final sale amount.
If transactions are missing from the report or appearing with the wrong time, visit our Analytics Troubleshooting guide for help.
Transaction Details View
Click a transaction to view its items and their details and, if applicable, download a copy of the receipt. Keep receipt copies for your own records or email receipts to customers.
Description | For closed sales, returns, and invoices, the name of the item at the time of the transaction. For saved sales and open invoices, the name of the item as it is currently entered. Shipping, delivery, and pickup charges for supported Lightspeed eCom (E) orders, as well as new sales run in Lightspeed Pocket and Lightspeed Pay, will appear in reporting as an item named ‘Custom amount’.
*Visit the Sales by Item report to view your top items by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Department | Name of the department assigned to the item at the time the transaction was tendered, sale was saved, or invoice was finished.
*Visit the Sales by Department report to view your top departments by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Category | Name of the category assigned to the item at the time the transaction was tendered, sale was saved, or invoice was finished.
*Visit the Sales by Category report to view your top categories by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Price | Price per item.
Quantity | Total number or amount of the item purchased or returned or added to a saved sale.
Options | Closed sales, returns, and invoices only. Price of the item’s modifiers.
Subtotal | Item total before discounts and tax.
Discount | Discount amount applied to the item.
*Visit the Sales by Discount report to view your top discounts by number of times used and amount discounted.
Tax | Closed sales, returns, and invoices only. Total tax amount applied to the item.
Total | Total dollar amount of each item after discounts and tax.
Download Receipt | Closed sales and returns only. Click to download a copy of the receipt as it appeared at the time of the transaction.
Go to Invoice | Closed invoices only. Click to view the invoice on the Invoices screen.
Paid with | Closed sales, returns, and invoices only. How the transaction was tendered. Lightspeed eCom (E) orders paid online and processed at the register and supported orders marked ‘Paid’ in the eCommerce Dashboard will appear in reporting as being paid with the ‘eCommerce’ tender (if enabled in BackOffice) or the ‘Other’ tender (if ‘eCommerce’ is not enabled). Paid invoices will always appear in reporting as being paid with ‘Other’ if invoice reporting is enabled.
Sort and Filter Options
Sort the Transactions Report to change the order in which transactions appear. Filter the report to view only transactions containing a specific item (by name, department, category, or type), customer, tender, or register.
Use the calendar to select a date and time range to view transactions.
When the ‘Saved Sales’ toggle is selected, saved sales will only appear in a date range if they are currently open at the register and were last saved during the range. Open and past due invoices will only appear in a date range if they were last finished or edited during the range. Historical saved sales and open invoice data is not available.
Use filters to search for and view particular transactions.
Filter the report by:
Customer name or email address
Register number or name
Item type (asset or liability)
Sales channel (where the transaction occurred)
Sort transactions ascending or descending by clicking the 'Time' or 'Total' column headers.
Click to Enlarge
Export Transactions
Export transaction data for closed sales, returns, and invoices from BackOffice to analyze it in any spreadsheet software. Transactions can be exported in three different ways and will export with any applied filters.
Only closed sales, returns, and invoices can be exported from the Transactions Report. Saved sales and open invoices can only be viewed in BackOffice.
Export Transactions by Item | Line items for each closed transaction appear on separate rows with department, category, supplier, and total details. See sample Transactions by Item report.
Export Transactions Tenders | Includes the same information as the Transactions export, but each row represents a payment tender. Split tender sales and returns take up multiple rows, one per tender. See sample Transactions Tenders report.
Export Transactions | Each closed transaction appears on a separate row with cashier, customer, total, and payment details. See sample Transactions report.
Wait for the export to be generated. Check the box to be notified by email when exports are ready for download (optional).
Exports ready in a few seconds will automatically download to your computer. Click ‘Close’ to close the message box.
After downloading, the export is ready to open in any spreadsheet software.
Click to Enlarge
All Exports
Time | Date and time of the transaction.
Register Name | Number of the register or its name as currently entered in BackOffice. This column is left blank for transactions performed outside of the Retail POS (S-Series) app.
Cashier Name | Name of employee who ran the transaction as it is currently entered in BackOffice. For paid invoices, this is the name of the employee who originally finished the invoice. Sales performed in the Lightspeed Pocket app appear in reporting as being run by the Business Owner. This column is left blank for supported online orders marked paid in the eCommerce Dashboard.
*Visit the Sales by Employee report to view your top employees by number of sales and sales amount.
Operation Type | Type of transaction run (return or sale).
Customer Name | Name of the customer tagged to the transaction as it is currently entered in BackOffice.
*Visit the Sales by Customer report to view your top customers and their purchases.
Customer Email | Email address of the customer tagged to the transaction as it was entered in BackOffice at the time of the transaction.
Gross Amount | Total transaction amount before discount or tax.
Discount | Total discount amount applied to the transaction.
*Visit the Sales by Discount report to view your top discounts by number of times used and amount discounted.
Net Total | Total transaction amount after discounts, tax and gratuity.
Tendered Amount | Total amount tendered including gratuity.
Tender Type | Tender accepted for the transaction. Lightspeed eCom (E) online orders paid online and processed at the register and supported orders marked ‘Paid’ in the eCommerce Dashboard will appear in reporting as being tendered to ‘eCommerce’ (if enabled in BackOffice) or ‘Other’ (if ‘eCommerce’ is not enabled). Paid invoices will always appear in reporting as being paid with ‘Other’ if invoice reporting is enabled.
Card Type | Type of card accepted.
Last 4 Digits | Last 4 digits of the credit card.
Cardholder Name | Name on the card.
Receipt Number | 19 or 20 digit receipt number.
Transaction ID | Unique identifier for the transaction.
Department | Name of the department assigned to the item at the time of the transaction.
*Visit the Sales by Department report to view your top departments by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Category | Name of the category assigned to the item at the time of the transaction.
*Visit the Sales by Category report to view your top categories by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Supplier | Name of the supplier assigned to the item at the time of the transaction.
*Visit the Sales by Supplier report to view your top suppliers by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Cost | Cost of the item to the business, measured as a weighted average cost by default.
Price | Cost of the item to the customer.
Quantity | Total number of the item on hand.
Modifiers | Number of modifiers applied to the item.
*Visit the Modifiers and Variants report to view your top selling modifiers by quantity sold and total sales amount.
Subtotal | Item total before discounts and taxes applied.
Customer ID | Unique identifier for customer.
Wondering why your Transaction Tenders export seems to have duplicate rows? Visit our Analytics Troubleshooting guide to learn more.
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