The Export Center manages your exports so you’re not stuck waiting on one page for a report to generate. If you misplace an export from the past 7 days, just visit the Export Center to quickly re-download it.
Table of Contents
Export a Report
All previously run exports are stored in the Export Center for convenient downloading. Follow the steps below to load a report and export it from BackOffice.
Wait for the export to be generated. If prompted, check the box to be notified by email when exports are ready for download (optional) and dismiss the message box.
Exports ready in a few seconds will automatically download to your computer. Click ‘Close’ to close the message box.
After the download finishes, open the export in any spreadsheet software.
For a full explanation of a report’s content, visit that individual report’s support article. Visit our BackOffice support page for a list of all reporting articles.
Continue below for answers to some common questions about BackOffice exports and the Export Center.