X and Z reports summarize sales, returns, and other activity occurring in the Retail POS (S-Series) app on a specific register during a register shift. X reports cover everything from the register shift opening until when the report is run, and Z reports cover the entire shift from open to close. X and Z reports must be run at the register, can be filtered by employee, and can be printed or reprinted as needed.
X and Z reports only cover activity that takes place in the Retail POS (S-Series) app. Sales closed in the Lightspeed Pay (S) app, Lightspeed Pocket (S) app, and via other sales channels are not included.
Table of Contents
X Report – Mid-Shift
The X report is a printable mid-shift snapshot of the sales, returns, voids, discards, and other register activity that occurred on a specific register from the beginning of a register shift until the present moment.
Run and Print the X Report
Run an X report at any point during the register shift to see how busy a particular register has been. If you need a physical copy of the report, print it to a connected receipt printer.
Not at the register? Much of the X report’s information can be found in the BackOffice Shifts Summary.
In the Retail POS (S-Series) app, tap 'Register Shift Report' on the Main Menu (iOS) or register menu (Android).
Learn to read the X report to understand the sales, returns, voids, discards, and other activity taking place on a specific register.
A printed X report is shown below, but the same information is also available on the screen of the register.
Register # | Register from which the X report was run.
Shift # | Register shift for which the X report was run. This resets to 1 for the first register shift of each day and increases when new shifts are opened.
Report Type | Type of report that was run (‘X’ or ‘Z’). If the report was filtered by employee, the name of the employee will also print here.
Opening Date & Time | Date and time the register shift was opened.
Opening Manager | Name of the manager who opened the register shift.
# Transactions | Number of sales and returns closed during the shift so far, plus the number of saved sales currently open on the register.
# New Customers | Number of new customers added at the register during the register shift.
# Guests(not pictured) | Number of guests served during the register shift so far based on the combined guest count of sales tendered at that register. ‘# Guests’ only appears when the Guest Count feature is enabled, and it replaces ‘# New Customers’ on the report.
Opening Amount | Starting cash drawer amount entered when the register shift was opened.
Expected Drawer | Amount of cash expected to be in the drawer at this point in the register shift. ‘Expected Drawer’ = ‘Opening Amount’ + ‘Cash Sales’ – ‘Cash Returns’ + ‘Pay Ins’ – ‘Drops/Payouts/Purchases’
Short | Difference between actual and expected drawer amounts. This is 0 until the register shift is closed.
Cash Sales | Total cash sales collected so far, including discounts and tax.
Cash Returns | Total cash returns processed so far, including discounts and tax.
Drops, Payouts, Pay Ins, & Purchases | Total amounts of drops, payouts, pay ins, and purchases recorded during the register shift so far. These do not appear on cashier X reports.
Sales | Total gross sales amount before discounts, tax, and returns. This excludes sales of new liabilities.
Discounts | Amount of discounts on sales minus discounts on returns.
Returns | Total returns amount before discounts and tax.
Net Sales | ‘Sales’ minus ‘Discounts’ and ‘Returns’.
Gift Card / Gift Certificate / Deposit Issues | Value of new liabilities issued.
Gratuity | Tips left by customers on sales paid for with credit and gift cards and tips left on Lightspeed eCom (E) orders paid online by credit card and closed at the register.
Tax | Amount of tax collected on sales minus tax refunded on returns. Sales tax figures in reporting are estimates based on how you configured your tax settings in BackOffice. For official filings, always verify current local rates and manually calculate tax using net taxable and non-taxable revenues. Be aware that tax laws can change at any time and you should contact a professional for specific tax advice regarding your business. To learn how tax is calculated in Lightspeed Retail, visit the Sales by Tax Rate Report article.
Total Tendered | Total amount received at the register. ‘Total Tendered’ = ‘Net Sales’ + ‘Gift Card / Gift Certificate / Deposit Issues’ + ‘Gratuity’ + ‘Tax’
Tender Types | Breakdown of ‘Total Tendered’ by individual tender with redeemed liabilities marked by ‘(L)’.
Credit Card Types | Breakdown of credit tenders by card type (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc).
Voided Items | Quantity of items voided from saved sales during the register shift so far. Voided Total | Value of all ‘Voided Items’ based on the price of each item. Learn more about void reporting here.
Discarded Items | Quantity of items deleted from sales and manual returns and the quantity of items from discarded transactions of those types during the register shift so far. Discarded Total | Value of all ‘Discarded Items’ based on the price of each item.
Open Sales | Number of sales currently saved on the Saved Sales screen. If using Serverless Sync™ or Saved Sales Sync, saved sales from all connected registers are included. Open Sales Total | Current value of all ‘Open Sales’ based on the prices of the items, applied discounts, and sales tax for each saved sale.
Printed | Date and time the report was printed from the register.
Z Report – End of Shift
The Z report is a printable end-of-shift overview of the sales, returns, voids, discards, and other register activity that took place on a specific register during a register shift, from open to close.
Run and Print the Z Report
Run the Z report after closing a register shift for an end of day summary of the activity that took place on that specific register. If you need a physical copy of the report, print it to a connected receipt printer.
Not at the register? Much of the Z report’s information can be found in the BackOffice Shifts Summary.
Follow the steps here to close an open register shift in the Retail POS (S-Series) app.
Register shift already closed? Skip ahead to step 2.
If necessary, tap ‘Register Shift Report’ on the Main Menu (iOS) or register menu (Android).
Don’t worry if you forget to print a Z report after closing the register shift. Z reports can be reprinted for any register shift opened within the past 7 days.
Z reports for register shifts opened beyond the past 7 days cannot be reprinted. However, the BackOffice Shifts Summary displays much of the same information for all previous register shifts.
In the Retail POS (S-Series) app, tap 'Register Shift Report' on the Main Menu (iOS) or register menu (Android).
Select a shift opened within the past 7 days from the drop-down (iOS) or 'Recent Shifts' section (Android).
Z reports for register shifts opened beyond the past 7 days cannot be reprinted. The time frame for printing a Z report can be reduced to 2 days from the iPad settings.
Tap 'Print Z Report' to print a copy to a connected receipt printer.
Click to Enlarge
Z Report Breakdown
Learn to read the Z report to review the sales, returns, voids, discards, and other activity that took place during a register shift on a specific register.
A printed Z report is shown below, but the same information is also available on the screen of the register.
Register # | Register from which the Z report was run.
Shift # | Register shift for which the Z report was run. This resets to 1 for the first register shift of each day and increases when new shifts are opened.
Report Type | Type of report that was run (‘X’ or ‘Z’). If the report was filtered by employee, the name of the employee will also print here.
Opening Date & Time | Date and time the register shift was opened.
Opening Manager | Name of the manager who opened the register shift.
Closing Date & Time | Date and time the register shift was closed.
Closing Manager | Name of the manager who closed the register shift.
# Transactions | Number of sale and return transactions run during the register shift.
# New Customers | Number of new customers added at the register during the register shift.
# Guests(not pictured) | Number of guests served during the register shift based on the combined guest count of sales tendered at that register. ‘# Guests’ only appears when the Guest Count feature is enabled, and it replaces ‘# New Customers’ on the report.
Opening Amount | Starting cash drawer amount entered when the register shift was opened.
Closing Amount | Ending cash drawer amount entered when the register shift was closed.
Over / Short | Difference between actual and expected cash. ‘Short’ means the drawer was closed for an amount under what was expected.
‘Over’ means the drawer was closed for an amount over what was expected.
Cash Sales | Total cash sales processed, including discounts and tax.
Cash Returns | Total cash returns processed, including discounts and tax.
Drops, Payouts, Pay Ins, & Purchases | Total amounts of drops, payouts, pay ins, and purchases recorded during the register shift. These do not appear on cashier Z reports.
Sales | Total gross sales amount before discounts, tax, and returns. This excludes sales of new liabilities.
Discounts | Amount of discounts on sales minus discounts on returns.
Returns | Total returns amount before discounts and tax.
Net Sales | ‘Sales’ minus ‘Discounts’ and ‘Returns’.
Gift Card / Gift Certificate / Deposit Issues | Value of new liabilities issued.
Gratuity | Tips left by customers on sales paid for with credit and gift cards and tips left on Lightspeed eCom (E) orders paid online by credit card and closed at the register.
Tax | Amount of tax collected on sales minus tax refunded on returns. Sales tax figures in reporting are estimates based on how you configured your tax settings in BackOffice. For official filings, always verify current local rates and manually calculate tax using net taxable and non-taxable revenues. Be aware that tax laws can change at any time and you should contact a professional for specific tax advice regarding your business. To learn how tax is calculated in Lightspeed Retail, visit the Sales by Tax Rate Report article.
Total Tendered | Total amount received at the register. ‘Total Tendered’ = ‘Net Sales’ + ‘Gift Card / Gift Certificate / Deposit Issues’ + ‘Gratuity’ + ‘Tax’
Tender Types | Breakdown of ‘Total Tendered’ by individual tender with redeemed liabilities marked by ‘(L)’.
Credit Card Types | Breakdown of credit tenders by card type (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc).
Voided Items | Quantity of items voided from saved sales during the register shift. Voided Total | Value of all ‘Voided Items’ based on the price of each item.
Discarded Items | Quantity of items deleted from sales and manual returns and the quantity of items from discarded transactions of those types during the register shift. Discarded Total | Value of all ‘Discarded Items’ based on the price of each item.
Open Sales | When the register shift is open, this is the number of sales currently saved on the Saved Sales screen. This number changes to 0 after the register shift is closed, even if sales are still saved. Open Sales Total | When the register shift is open, this is the current value of all ‘Open Sales’. This number changes to 0 after the register shift is closed, even if sales are still saved.
Printed | Date and time the report was printed from the register.
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