Manage Suppliers

The Supplier List allows you to organize inventory items by the vendors who provided them. Learn how to use suppliers in Lightspeed Retail, visit the Supplier List to add, rename, and delete suppliers, and assign suppliers to items in BackOffice or at the register.

Table of Contents

Understanding Suppliers in Lightspeed Retail

To understand how suppliers in Lightspeed Retail impact inventory management, let’s define what they are, look at some examples, and review how they are used.

Suppliers are the vendors from whom the business gets its items.
Examples of items and their suppliers:
Item Supplier
Bottled Water Grocery Supply Co.
T-Shirt USA Shirts
Sheet Set Bedding and More
Assign suppliers to inventory items to:
  • Quickly filter the Item List for items from a particular supplier.
  • See which specific suppliers’ products generate the most sales for a single location or across all linked locations using the Sales by Supplier report.
  • View supplier details on the Inventory Reorder report if inventory tracking is enabled.
  • Supplier List

    View a list of existing suppliers, add new suppliers, edit supplier names, and delete suppliers all from one BackOffice page.

    For businesses with multiple linked locations, the same set of suppliers is used for each linked Lightspeed Retail store. The Supplier List for each linked location is identical, and adding, renaming, or deleting a supplier in one location will automatically make that change in all other locations. Item assignments must be managed separately for items in each location.

    1. In BackOffice, click ‘Items’, then ‘Supplier List’.
      Click to Enlarge

    Add a New Supplier

    1. Click 'Add New'.
      Click to Enlarge
    2. Enter the supplier’s name and click ‘Continue’.

      If you have multiple linked locations, the supplier will be added to all linked locations automatically.

      Click to Enlarge
    3. Assign the supplier to inventory items obtained from that vendor.
      Click to Enlarge
    4. (Optional) Repeat step 3 in each other linked location to assign the supplier to items in those locations.

      For help switching between linked locations in BackOffice, visit our Multi-Store Management article.

    Rename a Supplier

    1. Click ‘Edit’ next to a supplier.
      Click to Enlarge
    2. Enter the updated supplier name and click ‘Continue’.

      If you have multiple linked locations, the supplier will be updated in all linked locations automatically.
      Renaming a supplier will also update its name in historical reporting. To learn more, visit the article for a specific report from our BackOffice support page.

      Click to Enlarge

    Delete a Supplier

    1. Click ‘Edit’ next to a supplier.
      Click to Enlarge
    2. Select ‘Delete supplier’.

      Note: If a supplier has items assigned to it, deleting it will automatically unassign the items. Follow the steps here to assign the items to a new supplier.

      Click to Enlarge
    3. Click 'Delete' to confirm.

      If you have multiple linked locations, the supplier will be deleted from all linked locations automatically.

      Click to Enlarge

    Item Assignments

    Assign items to suppliers from BackOffice or the Retail POS (S-Series) app (employees with BackOffice permissions only) to organize the business’s inventory by vendor. For large inventories (50+ items), we recommend using Bulk Management to create or modify items.

  • To learn how to assign items to departments and categories, visit our Organize Inventory article.
  • For businesses with multiple linked locations, item assignments must be managed separately for items in each linked location.
    1. Visit the Item List in BackOffice or from the Retail POS (S-Series) app (employees with BackOffice permissions only.
      • In BackOffice, click ‘Items’ and select ‘Item List’.
      Click to Enlarge
      • In the Retail POS (S-Series) app for iOS, tap ‘Manage Items’ on the Main Menu. For the Retail POS (S-Series) app for Android, tap ‘Setup’ on the register menu, then select ‘Manage Items’.
      Retail POS (S-Series) app for iOS

      Click to Enlarge
      Retail POS (S-Series) app for Android

      Click to Enlarge

    2. Click ‘Add New’ to create a new item or select an existing item to edit.

      To learn how to edit several existing items at once from the Item List, visit our Bulk Edit article.

      Click to Enlarge
      If adding a new item, visit one of the articles below for a complete walkthrough:

    3. Choose a ‘Supplier’ or select ‘Add a new supplier’ from the drop-down to create a new one.

      Changing the supplier assigned to an item will also update this information in historical reporting. To learn more, visit the article for a specific report from our BackOffice support page.

      Click to Enlarge
    4. (Optional) Enter the supplier’s item ID.
      Click to Enlarge
    5. Select a save option to save changes.
    6. If adding or editing the item in BackOffice, get updates on the iOS or Android register to sync the changes to the register.

      Receiving an error while getting updates? Visit our troubleshooting guide for help.

    7. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 - 6 in each other linked location to assign suppliers to items in those locations.

      For help switching between linked locations in BackOffice, visit our Multi-Store Management article.