Use Item List Bulk Edit to make changes to multiple inventory items at the same time from the Item List. Update the names, prices, UPC codes, and other properties of items for a single location without accessing each item individually or working with spreadsheets.
To learn how to create, update, or delete items in bulk using spreadsheets, visit our Bulk Management article.
Bulk Edit supports updating basic items and items with variants for a single store location. Raw goods and modifiers must be managed individually within each item as Bulk Edit is not compatible with these features.
Table of Contents
When To Use Bulk Edit
Knowing when to use Item List Bulk Edit can save you a lot of time when it comes to updating existing inventory items. Before getting started, learn when, and when not, to use this feature.
Use Bulk Edit:
When you need to quickly update multiple existing items.
Bulk Edit saves time by allowing you to update items directly from the Item List without navigating through several screens.
If a specific group of items needs to be updated.
The search, filter, and sort features allow you to display only the items you need to edit on the Item List. For example, you can view all items priced under $5 in a specific department, then update all of their tax rates at the same time.
Don’t use Bulk Edit:
When you need to add new items or delete existing items.
If you need to create, update, or delete raw goods or modifiers
Raw goods and modifiers must be managed individually from within each item as Bulk Edit does not support these features.
If you need to create new departments, categories, suppliers, or taxes.
Bulk Edit allows you to select an existing value for these properties. Add new departments, categories, or suppliers from within an individual item or Bulk Management. Learn how to set up new taxes here.
If you prefer using spreadsheets to update existing items.
To learn how to update items in bulk using spreadsheets, visit our Bulk Management article.
Search & Filter the Item List
Before using Item List Bulk Edit, follow these optional steps to search, filter, and sort the Item List to narrow down the items displayed from all items in inventory to only those you need to edit.
Visit the Item List from BackOffice on a computer or tablet or from the Retail POS (S-Series) app (employees with BackOffice permissions only).
Bulk Edit is not available on mobile phone devices.
In BackOffice, click ‘Items’ and select ‘Item List’.
In the Retail POS (S-Series) app for iOS, tap ‘Manage Items’ on the Main Menu. In the Retail POS (S-Series) app for Android, tap ‘Setup’ on the register menu, then select ‘Manage Items’.
New departments, categories, suppliers, and taxes cannot be created using Bulk Edit. For these properties, you must select an existing value. Changing the department, category, or supplier assigned to an item will also update this information in some historical reporting. To learn more, visit the article for a specific report from our BackOffice support page.
‘Quantity’ cannot be modified using Bulk Edit. To update item quantities, use Update Inventory or Bulk Management in BackOffice.