This feature is only available to merchants on select pricing packages.
Lightspeed eCom (E): Online Ordering
Once your Lightspeed eCom (E) Integration is set up, set up the eCommerce online ordering feature to receive and process orders at the register that were placed through your webstore.
Table of Contents
Online Ordering Overview
From what happens at the register when an order is placed online to eCommerce feature compatibility, here is an overview of how Lightspeed eCom (E) online ordering feature works.
When a customer orders online, a new saved sale is automatically added to the register, kitchen tickets print for items assigned to ticket printers, and an online order ticket (iOS) containing all items on the order prints at the register’s receipt printer.
To learn how to change print settings for specific registers, see steps 3 – 4 in the Set Up Online Ordering section.
‘Text Area’ and ‘Text Field’ product options set up in the eCommerce Dashboard for items assigned to kitchen ticket printers will appear in the kitchen notes field on the register and print on kitchen tickets. Other product options, such as drop-down lists and radio buttons, are not supported. Learn how to set up product options here.
Orders paid online and closed at the register will appear in Lightspeed Retail reporting as tendered to ‘eCommerce’ (if enabled in BackOffice) or ‘Other’ (if the eCommerce tender is not enabled).
Shipping, delivery, and pickup charges appear in BackOffice reporting as an item named ‘Custom amount’, taxes appear as tax rates starting with the word ‘Online’, and discounts and discount coupons appear as a discount named ‘Open Amount’.
Online orders will not appear on the register when multiple tax rates are charged, tax is charged on shipping costs, or an online gift card is purchased or used for payment.
Order edits made in the eCommerce Dashboard do not sync to the register.
Scheduled pickup and delivery operating hours require an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. For information on upgrading, visit our Lightspeed eCom (E) setup article.
Set Up Online Ordering
Set up eCommerce online ordering by enabling the online ordering feature and Saved Sales Sync, deciding which registers will print kitchen tickets and online order tickets, and configuring some optional settings that control how online ordering will work.
Enable the online ordering feature in BackOffice.
aSign into BackOffice as the Business Owner or an employee with the relevant permissions.
cEnable the ‘Send eCommerce orders to my register’ setting. Disable this setting to prevent orders from syncing to the register. When disabled, orders placed in your webstore will need to be processed from the eCommerce Dashboard.
Follow the steps here to make sure Saved Sales Sync is enabled on each register.
Online orders will not sync to registers where Saved Sales Sync is disabled.
On iOS registers, set whether the registers will print kitchen tickets and online order tickets for new online orders received.
We recommend printing tickets from 1 register per location and disabling this setting on all others to prevent duplicate kitchen tickets. By default, online order tickets print at each register’s receipt printer unless changed in this step. For kitchen and online order tickets to print, online order printing must be enabled for at least 1 register.
d(Optional) Repeat steps 3a – 3c on each additional iOS register.
On Android registers, set whether the registers will receive notifications and/or print kitchen tickets for new online orders received.
By default, these settings are disabled unless changed in this step. When receiving the first online order on a specific register, you will be prompted to confirm the settings configured in this step.
aSign into the register as a Register Manager or employee with BackOffice permissions.
cToggle the switches for the online ordering settings to enable or disable them for the current register.
Online ordering notifications | When on, a badge will appear on the register menu icon, register menu, and sign in screen to indicate the number of new online orders. After viewing an online order on the Saved Sales screen, the number on the badge will decrease.
Send online ordering kitchen tickets | When on, kitchen tickets will print from this register for online order items assigned to ticket printers. We recommend printing kitchen tickets from 1 register per location and disabling this setting on all others to prevent duplicates tickets. For kitchen tickets to print, online order printing must be enabled for at least 1 register.
dRepeat steps 4a – 4c on each additional Android register.
(Optional) To enable customers to pay online by credit card, follow the steps here to set up payments.
Orders paid online and closed at the register will appear in Lightspeed Retail reporting as tendered to ‘eCommerce’ (if enabled in BackOffice) or ‘Other’ (if the eCommerce tender is not enabled).
(Optional) To allow customers to add notes to an order, follow the steps here to enable order comments.
Order comments enable customers to communicate special requests or notes, automatically print on kitchen tickets, online order tickets (iOS), receipts (Android), and sales printed before payment (Android), and can be viewed from the Saved Sales screen on the register and in the eCommerce Dashboard ‘My Sales’ section.
(Optional) To allow customers to select a date and time to pick up their order, follow the steps here to enable scheduled pickup.
The pickup date and time will automatically print on kitchen tickets, online order tickets (iOS), receipts (Android), and sales printed before payment (Android), and can be viewed from the Saved Sales screen on the register and in the eCommerce Dashboard ‘My Sales’ section.
This feature requires an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. For information on upgrading, visit our Lightspeed eCom (E) setup article.
(Optional) To prevent customers from placing delivery orders when your business is not open, follow the steps here to limit delivery operating hours.
This feature requires an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. For information on upgrading, visit our Lightspeed eCom (E) setup article.
(Optional) To allow customers to add a tip to their online order, follow the steps here to enable eCommerce tips and gratuity.
This feature requires an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. Learn how to upgrade here.
With eCommerce online ordering enabled, tips left for orders not paid online by credit card (e.g. cash orders) will not be included in the sale total when the order is tendered at the register and will not appear in Lightspeed Retail reporting. These tips can only be viewed from the eCommerce Dashboard ‘Orders’ page.
To learn more about how tips for online orders appear in reporting, visit our Advanced Topics article.
(Optional) To print delivery information on tickets, receipts, and/or sales printed before payment, follow the steps here to configure the ‘Customer Delivery Information’ setting.
Delivery information can also be viewed on the register when closing an online order.
Place an Online Order
Learn how customers place online orders through your Lightspeed eCom (E-Series) webstore for delivery or pickup from your business.
From your Lightspeed eCom (E-Series) webstore, the customer clicks an item to order.
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(Optional) Customer selects modifiers for the item.
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Customer clicks ‘Add to Bag’ to add the item to their order.
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(Optional) Customer clicks 'Add More' to increase the order quantity of the item.
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(Optional) Customer repeats steps 1 - 4 to add additional items to the order.
After adding all items to the order, the customer clicks the shopping bag icon to check out.
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Customer enters their email address and clicks ‘Checkout’.
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Customer selects delivery or pickup.
Missing one of these options? Learn how to set up delivery and pickup here.
Customer fills in their contact or delivery information then clicks ‘Continue’.
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Customer selects a delivery or pickup method and clicks ‘Continue’.
With scheduled pickup enabled, pickup orders will require customers to select a date and time to come get their order. Learn how to enable scheduled pickup here.
Don’t see the tip selection area? Learn how to enable eCommerce tips and gratuity here.
With eCommerce online ordering enabled, tips left for orders not paid online by credit card (e.g. cash orders) will not be included in the sale total when the order is tendered at the register and will not appear in Lightspeed Retail reporting. These tips can only be viewed from the eCommerce Dashboard ‘Orders’ page.
To learn more about how tips for online orders appear in reporting, visit our Advanced Topics article.
If paying online by credit card, the customer enters their email and card information, then clicks ‘Pay’.
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Customer sees an order confirmation on screen and receives a confirmation email.
The Business Owner will also receive an order confirmation email. At the business, a new saved sale will be added to the register and tickets will print for the order.
Follow the steps in the section below to process the online order at the register.
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Online Orders at the Register
Learn what to do at the register after receiving an online order via Lightspeed eCom (E), including how to view the items on the order, reprint kitchen tickets and online order tickets, and close out the order after it is delivered or picked up.
To learn how to view and close online orders from an iPhone, visit our Lightspeed Pay article.
Look for a badge on the menu icon, Main Menu (iOS) or register menu (Android), or sign in screen (Android only) to indicate the number of open (iOS) or new (Android) online orders.
As new online orders are received, the number on the badge will increase. Kitchen tickets will print for items assigned to ticket printers, and an online order ticket (iOS) containing all items on the order will print at the register’s receipt printer.
The number on the badge icon will decrease on iOS registers as online orders are closed and will decrease on Android registers as online orders are viewed on the Saved Sales screen.
(Optional) Select a filter option to filter the Saved Sales screen.
All | Displays all saved sales, including orders placed via your Lightspeed eCom (E-Series) webstore and sales saved on other registers with Saved Sales Sync enabled. Online Orders Only (iOS) / Online (Android) | Shows only online orders placed via your Lightspeed eCom (E-Series) webstore. In Person (Android only) | Shows only sales saved at the register and excludes online orders.
Look for saved sales named ‘Online Order’, indicating an online order.
Processing (iOS) / OO: Received (Android) | Online order was received at the register, and its status has not been updated. Dispatched (iOS) / OO: Ready (Android) | Online order was marked as out for delivery (see step 8). This automatically triggers an email alerting the customer their order is on the way. Ready (iOS) / OO: Ready (Android) | Online order was marked as ready for pickup (see step 8). This automatically triggers an email alerting the customer their order can be picked up. Truck Icon | Online order is for delivery. Online orders without this icon are for pickup. Pickup Date and Time | Date and time selected by the customer to pick up their online order. Learn how to enable scheduled pickup here. Red Dot (Android only) | Online order is new and has not yet been viewed at the register.
(Optional) To view the customer notes, delivery address, and/or pickup date and time (Android) for an online order, tap the order (iOS) or the 3 dot menu next to an order (Android), and select ‘Sale Info’ (iOS) or ‘Online Order info’ (Android).
For customers to be able to enter notes for their order, order comments must be enabled via the eCommerce Dashboard.
To make changes to a customer note, tap ‘Edit’ (iOS) or the pencil icon (Android) above the note. Changes made to a customer note at the register do not sync to and cannot be edited in the eCommerce Dashboard.
To add a new note to an order without customer notes (Android), tap ‘Add Note’ on the ‘Online Order info’ prompt.
(Optional) To reprint kitchen tickets and the online order ticket (iOS) for an online order, tap the order (iOS) or the 3 dot menu next to an order (Android), and select ‘Reprint Ticket’ (iOS) or ‘Resend kitchen tickets’ (Android).
This option is only available for online orders, not for normal saved sales. Learn how to reprint kitchen tickets for saved sales here.
(Optional - Android) To set a previously-viewed order as new, tap the 3 dot menu next to an order, and select ‘Mark as New’.
The number on the badge icon visible on the menu icon, register menu, and sign in screen will increase by 1 until the order is viewed on the Saved Sales screen again.
(Optional) When an online order is ready for delivery or pickup, tap the order (iOS) or the 3 dot menu next to the order (Android), and select ‘Mark as Out for Delivery’ (iOS), ‘Ready for delivery (Android), ‘Mark as Ready for Pickup’ (iOS), or ‘Ready for pickup’ (Android).
These options are only available for online orders, not for normal saved sales.
This automatically triggers an email letting the customer know their order is being delivered or ready to be picked up and also updates the order status on the eCommerce Dashboard.
Online orders marked out for delivery or ready for pickup will be labeled ‘Dispatched’ or ‘Ready’ respectively on the Retail POS (S-Series) for iOS and ‘OO: Ready’ on the Retail POS (S-Series) for Android.
If the online order was not paid online, select the customer's payment tender and follow the prompts to complete the sale.
With eCommerce online ordering enabled, tips left for orders not paid online by credit card (e.g. cash orders) will not be included in the sale total when the order is tendered at the register and will not appear in Lightspeed Retail reporting. These tips can only be viewed from the eCommerce Dashboard ‘Orders’ page.
To learn more about how tips for online orders appear in reporting, visit our Advanced Topics article.
This feature requires an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. Learn how to upgrade here.
How do I prevent an item from being sold if I run out of it?
Items with inventory tracking enabled in BackOffice will automatically be marked out of stock on your online store when their quantity on hand in Lightspeed eCom (E) reaches 0, preventing customers from purchasing them. Items with inventory tracking disabled must be manually disabled for sale in the Lightspeed eCom (E) Dashboard by following the steps here.
How do I cancel or refund an online order paid online?
Close the online order at the register and decide whether to refund the customer in cash or to their credit card (for credit, you will need access to the account for your payments provider). Perform a return at the register and tender it to ‘Cash’, for a cash refund, or ‘Other’, for a credit refund. If providing a credit refund, you must log into the account for your payments provider and manually issue a refund to the customer. Finally, follow the steps here to update the status of the online order in the Lightspeed eCom (E) Dashboard.
How do I cancel or refund an online order not paid online?
If the online order has not yet been closed at the register, void the order, then follow the steps here to update the status of the online order in the Lightspeed eCom (E) Dashboard. If the online order was already closed at the register, perform a return at the register, then update its status in the Lightspeed eCom (E) Dashboard.
Can I view a customer’s notes and delivery information after closing an order?
Yes. Order information can be viewed from the ‘My Sales’ section of the eCommerce Dashboard.
How can I prevent customers from placing online orders when my business is closed?
Scheduled pickup and delivery operating hours require an upgraded Lightspeed eCom (E) plan. For information on upgrading, visit our Lightspeed eCom (E) setup article.
Can I process online orders outside of the Retail POS (S-Series) app?
Yes. Online orders can also be viewed and closed from an iPhone running the Lightspeed Pay mobile app.
Can I prevent online orders from appearing on the register?
Yes. To prevent online orders from syncing to the register, disable the ‘Send eCommerce orders to my register’ setting in BackOffice. When disabled, orders placed in your webstore will need to be processed from the eCommerce Dashboard.
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