This feature is available only for Lightspeed Retail merchants on select pricing packages.
MailChimp Integration Troubleshooting
Here we’ll take a look at some issues you might encounter while using Mailchimp with Lightspeed Retail. For help setting up this feature, visit our Mailchimp Integration Setup article.
Table of Contents
"Sorry, that password isn't right."
If you see this error while enabling Mailchimp integration, it means you entered the wrong password.
Re-enter your password and click 'Log In'.
Passwords are case sensitive and contain at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.
If the error persists, click 'recover your password' and follow the instructions to reset your password.
After resetting the password, go to BackOffice and follow these steps to enable Mailchimp integration.
Changes I make in Mailchimp don’t show up in Lightspeed Retail.
Mailchimp integration is a one-way street: only changes made in Lightspeed Retail will sync to Mailchimp. Manually update your Lightspeed Retail customer list to reflect any edit(s) made in Mailchimp.
Customers stopped syncing to Mailchimp.
Customers may stop syncing for a variety of reasons. Follow the steps below to troubleshoot each potential cause and resolve this issue.
Check if your Mailchimp account has reached its contact limit.
Free Mailchimp accounts hold a maximum of 2,000 contacts.
aIn Mailchimp, click the account icon and select ‘Account’.
If the number on the register is greater than in BackOffice, follow these steps to troubleshoot the syncing issue.
If the number on the register is less than in BackOffice, get updates on the iOS or Android register to sync the BackOffice customer list to the register.
Check for customers without email addresses.
Only customers with email addresses can sync to Mailchimp.
"We’re having trouble accessing your Mailchimp account."
Follow the steps here to re-link a Mailchimp account or, if you deliberately unlinked your Mailchimp account from Lightspeed Retail, ignore the error message.
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