The time clock in the Retail POS (S-Series) app allows employees to clock in and out so that managers can track all hours worked via the BackOffice Time Clock report. Employees clock in and out to record the beginning and end of their work shift and of any unpaid breaks. Learn to clock in and out at the register, view the Time Clock report, and manually add, edit, and delete work shifts and clock punches.
Table of Contents
Clock In and Out
Employees clock in and out at the register with a unique register code to record the start and end of their shift and of any unpaid breaks. Need help creating new employees? Visit our Manage Staff article.
Time clock use requires an active internet connection at the register and more than 1 employee to be set up in BackOffice. Without internet, clock punches will not be recorded or synced to BackOffice.
If signed in to the Retail POS (S-Series) app, tap 'Sign Out' on the Main Menu (iOS) or register menu (Android) to return to the sign-in screen.
‘Sign Out’ is only available when more than 1 employee is set up in BackOffice.
The Time Clock report in BackOffice shows the hours staff worked based on their clock punches recorded at the register. Learn how to run the report for any date range, understand the information it displays, and filter for specific employees or types of clock punches.
From BackOffice, run the Time Clock report to view the hours each employee worked and their clock punches over a date range.
In BackOffice, click 'Staff', then select 'Time Clock'.
Click to Enlarge
Click the date icon to choose a preset or custom range, then click 'Retrieve'.
Click to Enlarge
The Time Clock report shows each employee’s clock punches and total hours worked over the selected date range. The report is grouped by employee, and the duration of each work shift is listed in decimal hours*.
Employee Name | Name of staff member as it is currently entered in BackOffice. Day of Week | Day the work shift occurred. Time In | Date and time the employee clocked in for their shift. Time Out | Date and time the employee clocked out for their shift. Hours | Number of decimal hours* worked by the employee during that shift. Hours are not totaled until both in and out clock punches are recorded. If a shift seems longer or shorter than expected, visit our troubleshooting guide for more information.
*The decimal in ‘Hours’ represents a fraction of an hour, NOT minutes. For the number of minutes, multiply the number after the decimal point by 60. For example, 8.10 hours is 8 hours and 6 minutes (0.10 x 60).
If clock punches are incorrect or missing, visit our troubleshooting guide for help.
Filter the Report
Filter the report to view the hours of specific employees, hide or show data columns, and hide or show deleted, incomplete, or complete work shifts.
Select a filter, then check or uncheck boxes to show or hide report information.
Click to Enlarge
Show/Hide Columns | Add or remove the ‘Time In’, ‘Time Out’, and/or ‘Hours’ columns from the report. Additional Filters | Show or hide deleted, incomplete, and/or complete work shifts on the report. Employees | Show or hide specific employees on the report.
Export and Print
View Time Clock report data outside of BackOffice by either exporting it to analyze in your own spreadsheet software or printing it in our printer-friendly format that can be printed or saved.
Export the Report
Click 'Export', and select an option for exporting the report.
Complete shifts | Export only work shifts that have both a ‘Time In’ and ‘Time Out’. Complete & incomplete shifts | Export all work shifts, including those missing a ‘Time In’ or ‘Time Out’.
Learn how to add, edit, and delete work shifts on the BackOffice Time Clock report to modify time clock records and correct errors made by staff while clocking in or out.
Add Work Shifts
If an employee does not clock in or out for their work shift, manually add the shift to the Time Clock report.
On the Time Clock report, click 'Add Work Shift' at the top of the page or next to an employee.
The Audit Table on the Time Clock report displays additional details about edited and deleted work shifts and clock punches, such as the date and time a shift was edited or deleted.
Date / Time | Date and time of the edit, deletion, or addition of the work shift. Staff Name | Employee who worked that shift. Edited By | Employee who edited, deleted, or added the work shift in BackOffice, or name of the register where the employee clocked in and/or out. Original Entry – In | Date and time of original clock-in. Original Entry – Out | Date and time of original clock-out. New Entry – In | Date and time of edited clock-in. New Entry – Out | Date and time of edited clock-out. Net Hours | Total number of hours worked. Change | Amount of time added or removed from the work shift, ‘Deleted’ (shift was deleted from the report), or ‘N/A’ (the original creation of the shift, before it was edited or deleted).
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