Freeform Wooden iPad Stand Troubleshooting
Having problems with the Freeform iPad stand? Check out the issues below for help resolving the issue. For help setting up the stand for the first time, visit our setup guide.
Need help with the BOSSTAB Universal Tablet Stand or ShopKeep iPad Stand instead? Visit one of the articles listed below. If you are not sure which stand you have, view a photo of each here.
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I lost my assembly tool.
The Freeform assembly tool is a standard 4mm Allen wrench. Visit a hardware store to pick one up.
I can't reach the iPad's power button when it's in the stand.
Use the Assistive Touch feature as a solution for accessing certain features of the power button. Assistive Touch provides a virtual button on the iPad’s screen from which the device can be rebooted or locked.
My iPad does not fit in the stand.
- Check the iPad's model.
The Freeform is only compatible with the iPad Air, iPad Air 2, 5th and 6th-gen iPads, and 9.7″ iPad Pro.
- If using an unsupported iPad, exchange the Freeform for another stand within 30 days of purchase.