This feature is only available for Lightspeed Retail merchants on select pricing packages.

Lightspeed Spotlight FAQ

After setting up with our Getting Started guide and familiarizing yourself with our Advanced Topics guide, review these frequently asked questions regarding managing your business’ listings with Lightspeed Spotlight.

For the best possible experience, use Google Chrome to access Lightspeed Spotlight. Users accessing Lightspeed Spotlight from other browsers, such as Safari, may be unable to use the feature effectively.

What are business listings?

Business listings are typically listings on online platforms, and/or apps such as Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, etc.

What features are included with Lightspeed Spotlight?

With Lightspeed Spotlight, you’re able to review how your business is represented across all major search and listing platforms, identify inconsistencies in how your business information appears across platforms, manage your business listings in one centralized location, automatically monitor and sync your listing information, among other features.

How can Lightspeed Spotlight help scale my business?

Increased traffic equals increased business and growth. The more updated and optimized the web-based content on your listings is, the higher the engagement your business will experience.

Why do I need to manage my business’ listings?

Listings drive online traffic and help create a credible online reputation. Having outdated business information floating around the internet hurts your business’ ranking, credibility, and makes it difficult for customers to find your business online. Always maintain an up-to-date online presence for all your listings by using Lightspeed Spotlight.

How do customers find my listings?

Lightspeed Spotlight helps businesses manage their local online listings, meaning your listings will be searchable in local online search results when customers search for a type of business or a name of a business in a specific area.

If you run into issues while getting started with Lightspeed Spotlight, visit our Lightspeed Spotlight Troubleshooting article.