This feature is only available for Lightspeed Retail merchants on select pricing packages.
QuickBooks® Integration Setup
Lightspeed Retail (S-Series) integrates with QuickBooks Online to automatically sync register totals to your QuickBooks account and simplify how you balance the books.
Watch our QuickBooks Integration Setup video:
Table of Contents
Add QuickBooks Integration
If QuickBooks integration is not part of your current pricing package, follow the steps below to upgrade to a package that includes QuickBooks integration.
Enter your information and click 'Create account'.
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Follow the remaining prompts to finish QuickBooks account setup.
Complete the steps below to enable the QuickBooks integration.
Never used QuickBooks before? Visit our Advanced Topics FAQ for links to helpful tutorials, webinars, and other resources from Intuit.
Enable QuickBooks Integration
Once you have a QuickBooks Online account, link it to Lightspeed Retail to enable QuickBooks integration and begin automatically syncing register data.
Before enabling the integration for the first time, you must set up sales tax in QuickBooks Online. Failure to do so may result in syncing issues. For help setting up tax in QuickBooks, visit QuickBooks support.
Click ‘Select Accounts’ to allow setup of the default Lightspeed Retail accounts and items in QuickBooks and choose which QuickBooks accounts data will sync to.
Click to Enlarge
(Optional) Update the default QuickBooks account mappings.
Click to Enlarge
(Optional) Enable settings for posting locations, non-cash gratuity payouts, and cash expense payouts.
Click to Enlarge
Click ‘Save’.
Click 'Done' to complete the integration setup.
Click to Enlarge
With setup complete, visit the Advanced Topics article for more info on using QuickBooks with Lightspeed Retail. Having issues with sales syncing to QuickBooks? Visit our troubleshooting guide for help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Continue below for answers to some common questions about QuickBooks Integration.
Which versions of QuickBooks are supported?
QuickBooks integration works with three versions of QuickBooks Online: Simple Start, Essentials, and Plus.
Note: The Self-Employed version of QuickBooks Online is not supported.
Can I use the integration with QuickBooks for PC / Mac?
No. If using QuickBooks for PC/Mac, set up QuickBooks integration through the Lightspeed Retail integration with SHOGO. Visit the QuickBooks® via SHOGO article to learn how to sign up.
Can I use QuickBooks integration internationally?
At this time, QuickBooks integration is only available to businesses located in the United States and Canada.
What information does syncs to QuickBooks?
Sales, returns, tender amounts, taxes, discounts, and payouts that occur after enabling the integration will sync to QuickBooks. Depending on the posting method chosen during setup, this information will either post as a single summary or as a series of individual transactions. Other information, including data from shifts closed before setting up the integration, does not sync to QuickBooks.
If using the ‘Summaries’ posting method, you must close register shifts every day. For this posting method, data is sent automatically from Lightspeed Retail to QuickBooks shortly after each register shift is closed. If a register shift is left open, totals for that shift will not sync to QuickBooks until after it is closed.
If using the ‘Individual Transactions’ posting method, no action is required as transactions will automatically sync to QuickBooks shortly after being completed at the register.
Can I manually import data into QuickBooks?
QuickBooks allows certain types of information to be imported, but we cannot provide support to help with this. If you need help importing data to QuickBooks, visit QuickBooks Online Support.
I set up my QuickBooks Integration. Now what?
Visit our QuickBooks® Integration: Advanced Topics article to learn how to update account mappings, change posting methods, check which register shifts have synced, view pending transactions, and access QuickBooks reporting.