ShopKeep Version 2.8.8 is Here and Ready for Download!

With this version, you can use the iPP320 as a customer-facing display and reprint any Z report from the last 48 hours.
And in addition to those helpful new features, the latest version of the ShopKeep Register app also offers the usual performance improvements. If you’re ready to download it right away, here’s the link and remember our best practices! If you’d like to read a little more about the key changes, we’re happy to oblige.
Using the iPP320 as a customer-facing display
Now you can easily show customers every item they are purchasing as you ring them up. Each item will appear with its name and price on one line when you add it to a transaction. At the bottom of the screen, the customer will see the total amount for his or her transaction. Then, when it’s time for payment, the iPP320 screen will work the same as it does normally right now.
This option is enabled by default, but if you would like to toggle it on or off, please visit the Register Settings page in your BackOffice or click here to learn more about it. As reminder, this feature is only available for iPP320 owners, so if you don’t have one yet, click here to purchase one today!
Reprinting all your recent Z reports
Z reports are no longer a one-off! With this release you can quickly and easily reprint the Z report for any shift that you have closed in the last 48 hours.
To reprint any Z report, simply visit the Shift Report section in the Control Panel section of your Register and select the shift you’d like to reprint from the dropdown in the main section of the screen. Each shift is listed with the date and time on which it was closed. Learn more here.
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