Find checks faster and run your restaurant smarter.

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve ShopKeep for restaurants, earlier this spring we launched a beta version of Table Layout, allowing you to create a map of your restaurant for better managing checks on the register. We have now expanded access to Table Layout to any customer who’s interested.

Prior to the launch of this feature, many ShopKeep restaurants would name checks after tables, sometimes even creating a separate check for each customer to keep track of who ordered what. This led to long lists of checks and lots of scrolling to find exactly the right check at the right moment, time that could have been better spent on ensuring a good experience for guests.

With the new table layout feature, navigating open checks using a map of the bar or restaurant saves precious time every time a server creates or adds to an existing check. This can happen hundreds of times during a busy shift, adding up to significant time savings that servers can instead use for ensuring a high quality experience for patrons. We’ve heard about this value over and over again from many of our restaurant owners, which is why we’re so excited to share it with you.

Using Table Layout

Ready to try Table Layout at your restaurant? Setup is a breeze. We’ll tell you the basics, but if you have any questions, visit our Support Article for the full rundown.

Start by enabling the feature in the General section of Register Settings in your BackOffice. Once you’ve done that, get updates on your Register and find the Tables section (it’s in the top left of your Main Menu). Then start adding tables to the blank screen to match the layout of your restaurant.

Table Layout on Register

Once your tables are set up, your servers will simply tap the appropriate table to create a new check each time they sit a new party for a meal or tap an existing table to access the current check. Not sure which tables are open? Open tables are marked in gray and tables with a current open check are white. Additionally, each table with an open check includes how long the check has been open so staff can easily monitor the pace of the meal and offer timely service to patrons and avoid anyone sitting around for too long.

We have plenty of additional ideas for how the feature could be further improved, but what’s most important to us is ensuring that the feature meets your needs. So to start with, we want you to follow the instructions above and try using it!

Once you’ve had the chance to try it out, we’d love to hear your feedback. This will directly influence how the feature is worked on going forward. So leave a comment on this post, use the “Send Feedback” feature in the menu in the top right corner of your BackOffice, or email us at [email protected]. Thanks!