Add Tip Suggestions to Printed Receipts in Version 2.36.0

Allow your customers to quickly add predetermined tip amounts to their bills right on their receipts.
Calculating tip percentages on the fly is not something customers love to do at the end of a meal, nor is it something they can usually do without a calculator. That’s why we’ve long offered the ability for our merchants to customize tip amounts on our register, helping their customers select tip amounts with the tap of a button on the screen. This feature has led to more and higher tips, and today we’re glad to be bringing the same concept to paper receipts!
You can now select three custom suggested tip percentages or amounts for your printed receipts on the Receipt Settings page in your BackOffice. These suggested tip options will then show up in a new section on the bottom of each receipt, making it easy for your customers to see how much they should tip and what the total cost of their transaction will be after they do so. Then they just check a box and sign the receipt – no calculator required.
We think our restaurant and bar merchants will love this new functionality and we’d greatly appreciate any feedback on it. Leave a comment below or email us at [email protected].
To get started suggesting tips on your paper receipts, make sure you follow our best practices and upgrade to the newest version of the register app today!
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