ShopKeep Version 2.6.7 is Here: Download it Today!

Put tip and signature on the same screen, set up auto-signout after every transaction, and enjoy a more reliable iCMP connection
As you can tell, version 2.6.7 of the ShopKeep register app is packed with improvements that we’re confident you’re going to love, especially because they are beneficial to improving both your operations and your bottom line. We’ll go into the details of everything separately below, but if you’re ready to download what beta customer Steve Perlstein called our “best update ever”, we’re not going to stand in your way! However, we will take this opportunity to remind you of our best practices for updating the app ? Update Your ShopKeep App Now
Worlds are colliding: Tip and signature are now on the same screen!
You spoke and we listened. The on-screen tip and signature flow needed some work and we’ve made some great changes based directly on your feedback! Now, instead of using two screens, one for tip and another for signature, your customers only need to interact with one screen, making things far less confusing and speeding up the end of every credit card transaction. But that’s not all! You can also now customize your suggested tip values using either dollar amounts or percentages, meaning you can decide the right tip values for your business. And last but not least, the tip keypad has been hidden under the “Custom Tip” button, which we’re confident will reduce confusion among customers who saw the keypad as a place to enter their PIN numbers. The value of these changes has been unmistakeable. Beta customer Steve Perlstein of Simmer in Milwaukee, WI commented: >Our immediate feedback on 2.6.6 is that this is your best update ever, specifically because of the tip screen. It was exactly what we were begging for, and the results have been even better than we expected. Not only is it super simple for customers, it also leads to way more tips! Credit card tips are up at least 50% since the upgrade, and the only change is the simpler screen.
To get your own tip and signature screen looking like this one, simply download version 2.6.7 and follow these simple instructions in your BackOffice! Please note that this change is optional and you still have a lot of flexibility with how you customize your tip and signature experience.
Sign out every time for a more secure register and more accurate reporting
Many of you already sign out after every transaction, so we’ve added the auto-signout feature to save you a step! In addition, this feature ensures two key things happen: Your register stays secure and the right employee gets credited for every transaction. In terms of security, signing employees out after every transaction ensures that only real employees can ring up sales on your system and prevents fraudulent transactions from being added to an unattended register. In terms of accuracy, auto-signout ensures that the right employee signs in for each and every transaction, meaning more accurate shift reports and attribution for every sale. We know how closely many of you track that information, so we want to make sure you get exactly what you’re looking for! Beta customer Charisse Almassy of The Sandwich Spot in Roseville, CA said:
I love auto-signout. One less step. The way we operate, once the sale is rung, the cashier turns right around to wash their hands to make a sandwich. Signing out every time always slowed things down, delaying the whole process.
To enable auto-signout on your register, simply download version 2.6.7 and follow these easy instructions in your BackOffice. Please note, however, that this feature is optional, so you should only turn it on if you think it will help you out!
iCMP performance improvements mean more reliable payments
For those of you using the iCMP credit card reader, we have some good news! This version of the app improves the reliability of the connection between your iCMP and your register, meaning you can be more confident on every swipe or tap. In addition, this update offers better behavior on initial startup and pairing, along with a faster connection on the transaction screen. We’re confident you’ll notice the difference. To take advantage of these improvements, simply download version 2.6.7 and start ringing up sales!
Bonus Update: Easily print a Gift Receipt with any transaction
It’s a little early for the holidays, but it is still wedding season, right? That’s why we’re happy to tell you that you can now print a gift receipt right from the receipt screen at any time! Check out a screenshot below. We think you and your customers will really enjoy this small, but helpful change:

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