We’ve added All Locations support to the Sales by Item, Category, Department, Supplier, and Tender Reports.

At ShopKeep, we know that January is a great time to take stock of and analyze your business performance over the past year, a time to figure out what worked and what didn’t as you prepare to grow your business in the new year!

Finding this data has long been easy to do for a single location with ShopKeep’s powerful sales reports, but has always taken extra work outside of your BackOffice if you have multiple locations. Now, however, with our recent reporting updates, it’s just as easy to get (most of) your sales data for all of your locations as it is to get it for one.

If you have multiple ShopKeep accounts, you can now quickly view, print, and export sales totals for all of your locations by Item, Category, Department, and Tender. Simply visit each report as normal and select “All Locations” from the dropdown to see your aggregated data.

All Locations on Sales by Item Report

Interested in seeing Sales by Supplier info across all of your locations as well? First, check if you can see the location dropdown on the Sales by Supplier screen as in your other reports. If yes, you’re good to go! If not, you are going to need to enable the Multi-Store Suppliers feature for your account, which allows all of your ShopKeep locations to share a single pool of your suppliers. To enable Multi-Store Suppliers, please fill out this form and we will help you get set up.

Want to learn more? Check out our guide to Multi-Store Suppliers on the Support Site.

Richard Berger

Richard Berger

Richard Berger translates his years of experience in the startup & small business world into helpful advice for small business owners. As Director of Product Marketing at ShopKeep, the #1-rated iPad Point of Sale System, Richard has an unmatched understanding of POS system technology, and how it can be used to transform growing businesses.