New Notifications and Trend Reporting in Pocket

Track all your notifications in one convenient feed and view your sales by new time periods.
One of the most consistent things we hear about Pocket is that it helps keep you in touch with your business when you’re not there. Over the last few months, we’ve been introducing features to enable you to feel even more connected, from the Transactions tab to see individual transactions to push notifications for key actions and activities.
Today we’re happy to announce a new Notifications tab in version 4.18 of Pocket. You can use the Notifications tab to see a list of all the push notification events happening in your business: drawer accesses, clock punches, and shift changes. Events will appear in the Notifications tab even if you don’t prefer to receive push notifications and they will appear in reverse chronological order (meaning the most recent events will be at the top of the screen). This gives you an easy-to-read timeline of your key activities in a single location.
In addition, we’ve added more options to the Trends tile and updated the chart legend. You can now select from hours of day, days of week, hours, days, weeks, months, or day of week when viewing your store trends. Then the legend will now display the time period you’ve selected for both primary and comparison periods, making it easier to quickly interpret the results on the chart.
We hope these changes are valuable and impactful for you. We’d also love to know what you think of the new Notifications tab, what additional events you’d like to see there, and how you might want to interact with those events. Please share your thoughts in the comments below or send us a note at [email protected].
And oh yeah, make sure you download the current version of Pocket!
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