We’ve increased the level of control that you have over specific discounts with this new feature update. You can now pre-define discounts with constraints in your BackOffice.

These discount properties include, but are not limited to:

  • Percentage vs. Dollar Amount
  • Pre-set vs. Open Discount
  • Applying to Items vs. Applying to Transactions OR Both
  • Requiring Manager Verification

With the ability to determine these attributes on the backend, you can speed up your transactions and give managers more control to prevent loss or theft.

Let’s take a peek at how it looks. Creating a new discount is super simple:

named discounts
Next, you select one of your pre-set discounts at the register:

named discount

Lastly, enter a manager code and verify the discount, and voila!
named discounts
Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent is a small business advocate who uses his background in the startup space, along with his POS system expertise, to allow small business owners to make informed decisions within their specific budgets.