Your BackOffice is being streamlined to make it easier and faster than ever to find all the data you’re looking for!

As it turns out, not all BackOffice reports are created equally. Some reports really are “more equal” than the rest, leaving others to fend for, and fail to attract, the scraps of your attention and interest.

After a thorough analysis of your usage patterns (anonymously of course), we think we have a pretty good sense of which reports you think are most valuable and important to helping you analyze your business’ performance and make intelligent business decisions. So in order to improve your BackOffice navigation experience and allow you to more easily access the reports you want and need, we will be removing a number of less popular and often redundant standalone reports.

This process started recently with the removal of the Sales by Hour and Sales by Date reports and will continue over the coming weeks and months. Note that no report removal will lead to a loss of data for you; there will simply be a different, easier to access location for that data. For example, you can still access Sales by Hour data as part of the Summary Report.

For the two weeks before any report gets removed, you will see a notification with all of the relevant information about it, including where else you can find the same data (see below). We’re confident that you will enjoy these reporting enhancements, but if you have any questions or comments about them, don’t hesitate to contact us! We always welcome any feedback.

backoffice reporting

Richard Berger

Richard Berger

Richard Berger translates his years of experience in the startup & small business world into helpful advice for small business owners. As Director of Product Marketing at ShopKeep, the #1-rated iPad Point of Sale System, Richard has an unmatched understanding of POS system technology, and how it can be used to transform growing businesses.