Small Biz, Big Ideas Runner Up: Exile Salon
Congratulations to Kaci Adonis, owner of Exile Salon and winner of $1,000 as one of the runners up in our Small Biz, Big Ideas competition. We asked her to share a little bit more about her business and her big idea.
Tell us about yourself and you how you first got involved in small business?
I am a mother of 5 and needed to be able to keep my career close to home. So I opened a small beauty salon in the back portion of my home. My father owns his own business he is a carpenter and glass man. He owns The Glass Wizard in Gordon, NE so it was great to get to work with him to get everything up and going! I worked many years as a waitress which is a great way to perfect your people skills.
Tell Us About How and When You Started Your Business?
Exile Salon is a new business that has just been open for the last few months. We are an up and comer you might say, the salon hasn’t even had its grand opening yet. A few years ago I noticed a gap in the beauty industry here. We had plenty of hair salons but only one person was doing nails and she was very busy with it, with a two week wait to see her. Short of eyebrow waxing, there wasn’t anyone in the area who provided skin services that I am aware of. So with that knowledge I decided to attend school and fill those gaps in my community, I love providing skin services! MY passion and what I would really like to be able to do is to provide hair, skin, and nail services to those that are homebound, disabled, elderly, or hospice and not able to go out and get the services they need and desire. It may seem like such a little thing that very few of us really think about but it can make a world of difference in someone’s outlook and state of mind. I want to make people happier, about themselves and the world in general and help with basic needs that some are not able to do for themselves, such as nail trimming and hair washing.
How Did You Feel When You Found Out You Won the Prize?
I was shocked. I actually didn’t believe her at first when she told me I had won one of the runner-up prizes I had been checking the site constantly and counting all the people who received more votes than me on a daily basis. I had just kept telling myself that with the help of my amazing friends and family support I really had done everything I could to get as many votes as I could in the short time I had. I didn’t become aware of this contest until there was only a week and a half or two weeks left. SO I had less time than I believe most everyone else in the contest and win or lose I was exceptionally happy with how far I had got. Therefore when I received the call saying I had won I was flabbergasted but so wonderfully pleased!
What Was Your Small Biz, Big Idea?
My idea and reason for entering the contest was to help make my salon more handicap accessible. If I were able to I would like to purchase some equipment that would make it manageable to go out into the community and help people with daily personal hygiene including, nail trimming, hair washing, things that are needed but can be hard to accomplish as we get older, or possibly disabled.
What is Your Intention With The Money? How will you implement the idea?
To allow for easier access into the salon, I am going to use my winnings to help install a handicap ramp and porch onto the front of my salon. I am going to get a hold of a contractor and make sure that everything is done correctly and completely up to code for everyone’s safety. I am so excited to see my salon become handicapped accessible and come to life. If I have enough I may make an easier parking area around the foot of the ramp to help with ease of access as well.
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