We’re happy to announce that we have launched a much requested, time-saving new feature: Bulk Inventory Management.

This will allow you to easily make mass updates to your inventory – meaning a task which previously may have taken hours, can now potentially be completed in minutes!

You can use the new Bulk Management feature to make mass updates to your inventory list faster and more easily than ever. The feature simplifies the process and allows you to add, modify, or delete any number of inventory items.

To give you an idea of how helpful this feature can be, here are two scenarios that you may come across in your business:

1. I want to increase my prices across the board by 5%

Previously, in order to carry out mass changes to pricing, you needed to go through your inventory items one-by-one. A very tedious task by anyone’s standards. Now, with Bulk Inventory Management, all you have to do is export your inventory to a spreadsheet, apply a simple formula to the relevant column and then re-import to your ShopKeep POS BackOffice. The result? Maximized profits!

2. I want to quickly update my inventory to reflect my weekly stock taking.

Imagine you are carrying out a weekly check on your inventory and you notice the levels on the system don’t reflect what you actually have in-store. Instead of going through and updating each level one-by-one, you can now export your inventory to a spreadsheet, quickly change the relevant numbers and re-import to your BackOffice. Up-to-date levels means more accurate ordering of supplies and less time wondering why the numbers aren’t adding up.

For more information on the Bulk Management feature, visit our help site article on the subject for details. And if you’d like any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to give our Customer Care team a call at 800-820-9814.

Also, if you don’t have your inventory set up yet, now’s the time to get started! Our Customer Care team or your Point of Sale Specialist can help you with that too.

bulk management

Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent is a small business advocate who uses his background in the startup space, along with his POS system expertise, to allow small business owners to make informed decisions within their specific budgets.