Our iPad register offers merchants an aesthetic yet powerful tool to run a business.  So when Maker Shed hand-picked our iPad point of sale to power concessions during the World Maker Faire taking place in NYC Sept 29-30th we were honored. The Maker organization is at the forefront of art and technology – a beautiful and forward thinking place to be. It is paving the way for the next generation of innovation in technology and we are excited to be a part of this movement.

If you happen to be in the NYC area, be sure to check out the event being held at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NYC this Saturday and Sunday. Checkout innovators like Makerbot, pioneering consumer oriented 3-D printing, and Kelvin Bokai Doe, a 15 year old entrepreneur from Sierra Leone building a FM radio transmitter, stereo amplifier, sound mixer and generator largely from scrap electrical and electronics materials. There’s something for everyone at Maker Faire. We hope to see you there!

Leave a comment if you will be showcasing anything at this year’s Maker Faire (Sept 29-30th) or if you plan on attending. Swing by the Maker Shed to see ShopKeep POS in action!

Hadley Deming

Hadley Deming

Hadley Deming is an email marketing expert, fluent in all email marketing initiatives including strategy, development, analysis, and execution. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with growing retailers and the merchant community.