The last decade has seen a consistent rise in ‘green awareness’, meaning your customers are now more and more likely to care about the way your business impacts the world around us. It doesn’t have to be difficult to meet these expectations and stay on the good side of today’s conscientious consumer.
There are now a range of cost-effective, energy-saving practices that are not only great for the environment, but can also cut your operating costs too.
To slightly misquote the iconic Michael Douglas character from 1980’s movie, Wall Street, ‘Green is good’. Some of the most basic moves toward saving energy can really impact your bottom line.
Energy saving tips range from major green overhauls of your building, to simple daily actions that cut waste. Here we focus on some easy and affordable ways you can improve your space, improve your energy rating and keep your green-aware customers happy – even if you are leasing.
Five Tips for Any Business to Save Money and Energy
- Start with the outside of your building and work your way in. Your doors and windows could be letting precious heat or cool air escape through cracks and crevices. Plugging leaks with caulking or weather stripping is a simple D.I.Y fix. This will seal both your entryway and your utility budget.
- Next, check your airflow. Using fans to increase airflow means you can keep your thermostat at a slightly higher setting during the summer. For every degree you don’t lower the thermostat you can save three percent on your cooling costs.
- Beware the electricity phantom. Check for lights that are left on or equipment that is left on even when not in use. You can reduce this portion of your energy bill by turning off the lights and equipment and installing occupancy sensors that shut off lights when no one is in the room. Better yet, look to see what can be unplugged all together so energy isn’t draining. Laptops, office equipment and other plug-in items pull energy even when they aren’t switched to on. Making a habit of unplugging or using power strips with timers on them will decrease this phantom flow of electricity.
- Check for water drips, leaks or heat. Leaking facets can waste gallons of water that add up to dollars on utility bills. Fix leaks and even drips quickly so you aren’t wasting money. While you are looking at the piping in your place, make sure your hot water heater is set to a reasonable temperature. Scolding hot water is expensive and dangerous to your customers. In lots of situations the lowest possible setting is good for everybody.
- Lastly, cut your printing. By printing double sided when necessary, or sending electronic messages you can cut your paper waste, which cuts the whole system of logging, transporting and producing paper. Combined with easy recycling efforts, this is an easy green way to go and most of your employees or customers will already be familiar with saving paper and recycling whenever possible.
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