July Same Store Sales for Seattle Retailers Increase by 41%

Every month at ShopKeep POS, we publish a report called the ShopKeep POS Same Store Sales Index, which tracks our merchants’ sales numbers. It’s our way of providing some insight into the fast evolving world of iPad point of sale and the impact it is having on merchants’ businesses.
When we put these numbers out, we always try and identify interesting trends that provide some insight into a particular aspect of retail performance. Some months you have to look harder than others, but this month’s big trend really jumped off the spreadsheet.
A quick look at the ShopKeep POS Same Store Sales Index revealed that Seattle-based merchants saw sales grow an enormous 41% over 2012. This was almost the same as the growth of our New York- and Los Angeles-based merchants combined (15% and 28% respectively). It’s also clear that it’s not just higher value sales driving this increase, as Seattle-based transaction volume increased by almost 31%. ShopKeep POS merchants in Seattle are growing their businesses big time!
We have a couple of theories as to why this might be but, to be honest, most revolve around some amateur meteorology and the fact that Seattle is nicknamed the Rainy City. What’s more likely is that Seattle’s retailers are living up to that city’s fine history of innovation and entrepreneurship and building great businesses. Whatever the reason, it’s encouraging to see small businesses there doing so well.
The Bigger Picture
ShopKeep POS Same Store Sales Index (SSSI) for July saw nationwide sales jump by 22% over July 2012 and the number of transactions increase overall by 15%. This is in comparison to national retail figures released today by the U.S. Census Bureau, which revealed a 5.4% average year-over-year increase during the same period.
What’s clear is that we are continuing to see ShopKeep POS merchants achieve impressive growth – without a doubt helped by understanding and acting on trends within their business.
Destiny Sund and Paul Verano, owners of Seattle-based cheesecake chain, The Confectional, have grown their business by anticipating and planning for best-selling items in different locations. Destiny keeps track of live store sales from anywhere using a ShopKeep POS app on her smartphone.
“I can easily see the busiest time of day and best sellers at each of our four store locations, and plan our inventory based on that,” said Destiny. “For example, the best seller in the Mall is four packs, but in Pike Place Market it’s singles. We can plan the type of product needed, the size of boxes, the size of bags, and so on. So we’re always ready to make the most of the rush,” she said.
Here are a few more choice bits of info for your interest.
The ShopKeep POS SSSI top vertical markets further revealed:
Quick Serve Restaurants increased July sales by 22% and transactions by 17%.
Specialty Food Stores increased sales by 17% and transactions by 11%.
Speciality Retail Stores increased sales by 17% and transactions by 24%.
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