A number of the more eagle-eyed among you may have noticed a new piece of functionality on your ShopKeep Transaction Table.

We have now made it quick, easy, and convenient to find and download old receipts from the ShopKeep BackOffice. Simply select the transaction you’re looking for and you’ll see an option to download the receipt as part of the drop-down information.


ShopKeep POS transaction table

If you’re looking to pull up an old receipt from within an unclosed shift, you’ll still want to go through the ShopKeep register.

If however, you’re looking to resend an old email receipt, or offer a return on a transaction from a previous shift, you can now pull up the relevant information right from your BackOffice transaction table. Enjoy!

Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent

Paul Nugent is a small business advocate who uses his background in the startup space, along with his POS system expertise, to allow small business owners to make informed decisions within their specific budgets.