“We really like ShopKeep because it always works, even without internet connectivity. It just uploads everything later, which is very important to us, because we never miss a sale. Plus, it’s super simple to set up and use.”

– Ben Van Leeuwen, Co-Owner, Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream, Brooklyn, NY

Never stop taking sales – even offline

In the Spring of 2008, Ben and Pete Van Leeuwen, along with Ben’s future wife Laura O’Neill, launched the Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream trucks. Six years later, they have grown their brand to become a staple of authenticity, quality, and true craftsmanship and passion. As they sought to expand, the team understood that they needed to employ a system that they could rely on consistently – particularly in the trucks.

“Before ShopKeep, we used a combination of old-fashioned cash registers and another iPad point of sale system. The other system didn’t work without internet, which was often an issue on the trucks where internet is spotty. Obviously, not being able to accept sales – even for just a short period – will impact your bottom line, so having that security has been a huge upgrade.”

Point of sale made easy

If you’ve ever been involved with a business that used a traditional point of sale system or had to convert to a new one, then you most likely share the sentiment that setting one up is no short order. That is, unless you are using ShopKeep. The hardware setup for ShopKeep is simple and pain-free, and programming the BackOffice so you can start making sales is both intuitive and practical for any user.

“ShopKeep is super easy to use. Interesting enough, when we were looking for a point of sale at first, several of the older systems told us that they could have us completely set up in a few months. With ShopKeep, you literally can be up and running within a day of signing up for the service.”

The bottom line

Ben, Laura, and Pete were committed to establishing a business that reflected their passion and personal values. It’s those same values that have guided them to success in crafting a growing artisanal ice cream mini-empire. ShopKeep has been an essential part of their growth, helping them make smart decisions by providing a reliable point of sale system offering intelligent analytics to keep them up-to-date with each of their stores and trucks, no matter where they are.

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