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managing your

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ShopKeep makes it easy to manage inventory, whatever the size.

Manage in bulk

Import & manage large inventories with thousands of SKUs via CSV.


Know your top-selling items and departments in a flash.

Always alert

Never run out and miss a sale. Set up order triggers for when items are running low.

Smarter spending

Track your costs and profit margins per item.

Scan items anywhere

Scan items, or add them to your inventory, from anywhere with a bluetooth scanner.

Run a tight ship

Organize your items by department, category, and supplier.

Granular detail

Track every ingredient of your items with our raw goods tools.

Unique modifiers

Set up modifiers for items that come in various arrangements.

Free as a bird

Keep track in real-time from anywhere, with ShopKeep Pocket™ app.

“I’m a specialty retailer so I have such a diversity of products. From coffee and baking goods, to prepared food and groceries, even growlers of beer. For us, Shopkeep has been the perfect addition because it allows us to be as diverse as we want to be and grow in any direction that we want to grow.”

Theodore Peck, Owner
Peck’s, Brooklyn, NY

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